Office 2010 proplusww.msi
Office 2010 proplusww.msi

office 2010 proplusww.msi

REM If 1 returned, the product was not found. If %errorlevel%=1 (goto DeployOffice) else (goto End) Reg query HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstall%ProductName%

office 2010 proplusww.msi

REM Check for 32 and 64 bit versions of Office 2010 in regular uninstall key.(Office 64bit would also appear here on a Reg query HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWOW6432NODEMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstall%ProductName% Check for 32 bit Office in emulated Wow6432 uninstall key IF NOT “%ProgramFiles(x86)%”=”” (goto ARP64) else (goto ARP86) REM Set LogLocation to a central directory to collect log files. REM Set ConfigFile to the configuration file to be used for deployment (required) REM Set DeployServer to a network-accessible location containing the Office source files. REM Get ProductName from the Office product’s core Setup.xml file, and then add “office14.” as a prefix. REM Environment customization begins here.

Office 2010 proplusww.msi